Preserving Steedman Woods

July 12, 2024

In a landmark proposal aimed at securing the future of Steedman Woods in York, the Old York Historical Society (OYHS) and York Land Trust (YLT) have teamed up to recommend transferring ownership of the woods to the Town of York. This proposal, presented at the May 6, 2024, meeting of the York Select Board, marks a significant step towards ensuring the perpetual preservation of this natural haven for the community. 

Steedman Woods, a cherished 17-acre property, has served as a beloved public park since 1966, following a decision by York residents to maintain access to its scenic trails and Wiggly Bridge. In 1978, the late C. Richard Steedman generously gifted the property to what was then the Old York Historical and Improvement Society, with a mandate that it be preserved as a nature reserve for the enjoyment of York’s inhabitants. Over the years, the property has remained a testament to Steedman’s vision, protected by stringent deed restrictions that prohibit development and ensure free public access. 

Recognizing the increasing challenges posed by heightened public use, including wear-and-tear from foot traffic, pet-related issues, and environmental concerns, OYHS and YLT have determined that transferring ownership to the Town of York is the most viable solution. The proposal entails the Town assuming ownership while granting YLT a conservation easement, thereby safeguarding Steedman Woods from any future development or degradation. This arrangement leverages the Town’s professional Parks and Recreation Department and York Land Trust’s conservation expertise to manage and maintain the property, ensuring its sustainability for generations to come. 

A Collaborative Community Effort for Conservation 

The decision to transfer ownership has garnered widespread support, including from Suzanne Little, President of OYHS, who acknowledges the Steedman family’s endorsement of the proposal. Jared Chase, President of YLT, echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of proactive conservation efforts amidst growing environmental challenges. 

“Steedman Woods is a treasure in the Town of York. Thank you to the Steedman family for having the foresight and commitment to preserve it forever. The biggest change over the years is the tremendous increase in visitation and use of Steedman Woods. This, along with the impact of climate change and the spread of invasive plants, is threatening the biological and scenic viability of this iconic property. Looking forward, the most appropriate and effective approach to making sure this property is protected and properly looked after is to transfer ownership to the Town of York along with a conservation easement held by York Land Trust,” explained Jared Chase, president, York Land Trust. 

The proposal now moves forward for further review by Town officials, who will work with OYHS and YLT to finalize a warrant article for the November 2024 ballot. If approved by voters, the transfer of ownership will cement Steedman Woods’ status as a protected natural space, managed in accordance with Richard Steedman’s original vision and supported by the expertise of YLT in conservation practices. 

“The Steedman family is pleased with the collaborative efforts to ensure the longevity of my father’s legacy,” states Charles Steedman. “We are optimistic that voters will support this initiative in November.”  

Looking Ahead 

As York continues to grow and attract visitors, the preservation of Steedman Woods stands as a testament to the community’s dedication to environmental stewardship and historical preservation. By combining the resources of OYHS, YLT, and the Town of York, this initiative not only addresses current challenges but also ensures that future generations will continue to benefit from the serene beauty and ecological richness of Steedman Woods. 

As we approach the November election, the residents of York have the opportunity to uphold this commitment and secure the future of Steedman Woods as a sanctuary for community recreation and natural conservation. Stay tuned for updates as this transformative proposal progresses towards a vote that will shape the landscape of York for years to come 

Read more about Steedman Woods in Seacoast Online.