Frequently Asked Questions about York Land Trust (YLT):
- What is a land trust? A land trust or land conservancy is a community-based, nonprofit organization that works to permanently conserve land and care for it in perpetuity. Sometimes, land trusts acquire land directly. They can also work to conserve land that remains the property of willing landowners using a tool called a conservation easement (see below). Land trusts can be local, statewide, or regional.
- What does York Land Trust do? YLT works to permanently protect and care for significant lands and waterways in the greater York area. We aim to benefit both the community and the environment through land protection and management, public programs and events, and strong partnerships with other local nonprofits and community organizations.
- How many people support YLT? YLT is currently supported by nearly 700 members.
- How can I become a member? How much does it cost? You can become a member by visiting this page on our website, or by stopping by the office or trailhead to collect a membership brochure. We suggest a first-time gift of $35 but appreciate any amount that you’re able to give. There is no minimum gift amount for your annual membership renewal.
- Why should I become a member? When you become a YLT member, you will join a growing community working together to conserve iconic landscapes, wildlife habitat, water quality, cultural heritage, and places for recreation and education. With your membership you’ll receive our quarterly newsletter, invitations to events and programs, updates on conservation efforts, a regional preserve guide, a YLT bumper sticker, a scenic postcard, and voting rights at our Annual Members Gathering.
- How many acres has YLT conserved? YLT has permanently protected more than 3,600 acres of land in the York area through fee ownership or conservation easements. We have also helped other organizations and entities in the region conserve an additional 1,500 acres.
- What is the history of York Land Trust? In the 1980s, a group of community members concerned about rapid development in York came together. They formed the York Land Trust on August 28, 1986. Key players included Lynn Wylde, Marion Fuller Brown, and Ron Nowell. Stay tuned for more historical information released in honor of our 40th anniversary in 2026.
- Is YLT part of the town of York or a separate entity? YLT is not part of the town government of York. It is a separate, private nonprofit organization that relies on memberships and charitable gifts.
- How is YLT funded? YLT is primarily supported by individual giving through private philanthropy. We also receive an annual 4% distribution from our endowments and apply for public and private grants.
- How many people work for YLT? YLT currently employs six staff members. Additionally, there are 13 volunteers that sit on the Board of Directors. We have more than 50 volunteers that sit on or help with committees, programs, and events.
- What educational programs does YLT offer? YLT offers 75+ free public nature-based programs per year, ranging from scientific presentations to guided hikes to toddler story times. YLT partners with various local volunteers, nonprofits, businesses, and contractors to offer these programs. Additionally, we offer members-only special programs several times per year.
- Is there a need for volunteers? Do you have to be specially trained to be a volunteer? We are always looking for volunteers! You do not have to have special training to become a volunteer. We will match you to a corresponding staff member, committee, or workday according to your skills and interests. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please check out the Volunteer Your Talent page of our website.
- How can I support YLT? There are many ways to support YLT! You can become a member, make a donation online or by mail, become a business sponsor, shop our store, look through our charitable giving options, or volunteer with us.
- Does YLT have any partner organizations? Yes! York Land Trust partners with various local entities for programs, scientific surveys and studies, stewardship work, and land projects. Some partners include other local land trusts, conservation and wildlife nonprofits, environmental education organizations, and universities.
Land Acquisition and Protection
- What is a conservation easement? A conservation easement is a voluntary, legally binding agreement between a landowner and a land trust, state agency, or other qualified entity, through which certain rights to the property are permanently extinguished. Most often, these are development rights, but easements can also be designed to protect other values of land: ecological, recreational, scenic, or historic. The landowner retains ownership of the land and all rights not transferred through the easement, and continues use of the property as productive forestland, farmland, or home. YLT acts as the conservation easement holder and assumes permanent responsibility for monitoring the property and enforcing its legal terms.
- How does YLT acquire and pay for land? YLT acquires land through donations and also sales of land to YLT by willing landowners. When YLT purchases land, we raise funds for the acquisition through federal, state, and private foundation grants and also through support from individuals. A few times, we have gone to the Town of York for land acquisition funds and have had them approved through budget appropriations and bond initiatives. These funds were for large and iconic parcels that became public preserves like Highland Farm Preserve.
- What are the costs associated with a land project? Land projects have become more complex and expensive in the past decade. Land project costs typically include legal fees, title work, and closing costs, as well as staff costs, surveying fees, environmental hazard assessments, property taxes, short term stewardship costs, and a contribution to our stewardship endowment for long-term land management. The contribution is typically roughly 10% of the project cost.
- What are the criteria for acquisition and/or acceptance of land to conserve? Typically, YLT seeks out land that falls within our focus areas – either within the MtA2C conservation corridor or in Cape Neddick. We usually look for parcels that are at least five acres in size and contain important ecological or publicly beneficial features, including wildlife habitat, scenic views, agricultural significance, or drinking water quality impacts. Parcels that are contiguous to other conserved lands are especially of interest to us. YLT fills out a project criteria form for each potential project to determine if the land is a good fit for us. YLT typically does not focus its land protection efforts on properties located within the Town’s designated growth areas.
- Can the land trust sell off its land? YLT protects land in legal and moral perpetuity. There may on occasion be a reason for YLT to sell its land to another conservation organization or agency, but it would only be an entity whose mission is also conservation. YLT could also receive a gift of land or a house that does not have conservation value and the donor gives it to YLT with the sole purpose of having the land trust resell it and put the proceeds into buying land with conservation value. This happens very rarely and only with donor’s permission. YLT has received one such gift of a house in downtown Kittery on a 1-acre lot that we resold and used the proceeds to purchase land in York that added land to one of our preserves. If YLT were to no longer exist, land would go to a parallel land conservation organization.
- What is YLT’s land acquisition strategic plan for the next few years? YLT will protect ecologically significant lands in our MtA2C and Cape Neddick Focus Areas that prioritize connectivity, waterways and wetlands, climate resiliency, and donated lands. We will explore protecting lands that intersect with community needs and support underserved populations such as land for agricultural use, outdoor education, affordable housing, and the Wabanaki community.
- Are there any benefits to the town in having significant conserved lands in the community? There are many benefits to the Town in having significant conserved lands in the community. These benefits include public access to lands and trails for residents and visitors to enjoy; protection of scenic views and maintaining the rural character of York; protection of drinking water and the water quality in the Town’s rivers and at its beaches; and the protection of habitat for an abundance of native plants and wildlife. Additionally, conserved lands make our community more resilient to the impacts of a changing climate and ensure that York remains a desirable place to live!
- Do land trusts pay property taxes? YLT has always paid property taxes. To ease the administrative burden for the town and YLT, in 2022 we applied for a property tax exemption. YLT now voluntarily makes an annual payment in lieu of property taxes to the town of York based on the current mill rate. We pay property taxes on the properties we own in South Berwick, Ogunquit and Wells at a reduced rate as those lands are enrolled in the State of Maine Open Space Tax Program.
- Do land trusts curb development? Often, the type of land we seek to protect is backland, wetlands, and other tracts of land that may not be developable. We do not focus on York’s designated growth zone, which is where development is concentrated. We also work with developers in holding the open space associated with cluster subdivisions. Many land trusts work with communities to find balanced solutions that allow for thoughtful, environmentally-sensitive growth. Part of our Strategic Plan includes us exploring opportunities for collaboration to support affordable housing in York.
- Does YLT own Mt. Agamenticus? No. Mt. Agamenticus is owned by the Town of York and the land around Mt. Agamenticus is owned and managed collaboratively by various partners, including the Town of York, York Water District, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, York Land Trust, Great Works Regional Land Trust, and the Town of South Berwick. For more information, please see this page. York Land Trust owns some land in the Third Hill and therefore sits on the Mount Agamenticus Steering Committee.
Climate and Ecology
- What are the ecological benefits of land conservation? Some ecological benefits include biodiversity preservation, habitat conservation, species conservation, water filtration, flood and erosion control, carbon sequestration, pollinator support, and enhanced climate change resiliency.
- Is YLT currently participating in any water quality work? York Land Trust does a lot of work that has an impact on local water quality but is not currently participating in studies specific to water quality. We are participating in some studies that track water quality along with other data to monitor marsh health and river species. Examples of this include the Smelt Brook Sentinel Site of The Maine Coastal Program’s Salt Marsh Monitoring Network and The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve’s Rainbow Smelt Survey on Smelt Brook.
- Does YLT help to steward the York River? YLT helps steward the York River by conserving, monitoring, and caring for our properties and easements in the York River Watershed. We also collaborate with other conservation organizations and the York Wild and Scenic Stewardship Committee to accomplish larger projects such as marsh restoration work.
- What is YLT doing to combat climate change? In protecting valuable conservation land, YLT is helping to steward the natural ecology and climate resiliency of the greater York region. Keeping forests as forests, marshes as marshes, and natural areas undeveloped contributes to cleaner air, water, and soil, carbon sequestration, biodiversity protection, and more. For more information, see this page on our website. Additionally, YLT offers free climate-focused programming both independently and in partnership with local groups such as the York Public Library, York Ready for Climate Action, and ReVision Energy.
Land Management and Use
- How does YLT manage its land? Our Stewardship Director and Stewardship Coordinator manage the upkeep of YLT land with help from volunteers and licensed professionals. Some properties are more actively managed than others – this article describes some of the nuances of land management and forestry work in New England. If you are interested in joining a stewardship volunteer workday, please check out the Events page.
- How does YLT care for properties in the short and long term? When we acquire a property, we are obligated to protect and care for the land in perpetuity. Within a year of the property’s acquisition, we conduct research, collect data, and consult our community to produce a management plan. This plan outlines whether the property will have public access or limited access and determines the most suitable management strategies for long-term care. Active management involves targeted interventions, such as invasive species removal and habitat restoration. It can also include trail building and infrastructure maintenance. Passive management allows healthy properties to remain undisturbed with minimal human impact, preserving their ecological integrity.
- Why is YLT harvesting timber on some of its public preserves? YLT occasionally sustainably harvests timber on a preserve in order to best manage the forest for health, diversity, and climate resiliency. We work with a licensed forester to perform this work. Proceeds are redirected into the stewardship of the property. For more information, please see this article.
- Does YLT manage invasive species on its land? YLT manages the invasive species on its preserves in different ways. Whenever possible, we attempt manual removal (often with the help of volunteer groups) or the utilization of biocontrol measures. However, we occasionally use a licensed applicator to spray treat target areas or perform a cut stem herbicide application. Want to learn more? Check out this FAQ.
- Is all YLT land open to the public? All of the land we own is considered private property, but we allow the public access to it. Thus, our land is open to the public unless posted otherwise. The land we hold in easements is not open to the public. We have created seven public access preserves with trail infrastructure, parking, and managed trails. We also have limited access preserves, which are parcels that we own but that lack established parking spaces or walking trails.
- Why does YLT own so much land but only offer seven public preserves? Our work as a land trust is to balance ecological preservation with compatible recreation. There are several factors that allow us to determine which land is best for public access, including road access and frontages, funding restrictions and project agreements, maintenance costs, topography, and ecosystem sensitivity.
- Can anyone use land trust land? Do you have to be a YLT member or a resident of York? Anyone can enjoy our land. There is no need to be a YLT member or a resident of a certain town.
- Are there any accessible trails on your preserves? The Field Trail at Highland Farm Preserve includes an ADA-accessible scenic view. We hope to continue our work improving accessibility in the coming years. For a nearby (although not YLT-owned) Universal Access trail, you can visit the Big A Trail at the summit of Mt. Agamenticus.
- What recreational activities can I do on Land Trust land? You may hike, birdwatch, picnic, walk your dogs, and hunt on our properties. We only allow mountain biking at Fuller Forest Preserve and Lafcadio’s Woods Preserve. This is because the topography of those preserves lends itself to biking, they remain relatively dry year-round, and their habitat is not as sensitive as our other preserves’ habitats. We do not allow motorized vehicles (including ATVS and dirt bikes) anywhere.
- Does YLT allow hunting on its land? York Land Trust recognizes hunting as a recreational use suitable on many of its preserves. Wildlife science shows that when conducted within the confines of applicable laws and regulations, hunting can serve to balance wildlife populations and reduce over-browsing of important understory vegetation. Hunting also provides sustenance and offers the public a longstanding traditional connection to nature and the outdoors. York Land Trust welcomes hunting on all of its preserves unless posted otherwise. To create a safe and enjoyable environment for all visitors to York Land Trust owned properties, we require hunters to register with York Land Trust, record their harvest, and comply with all town, state and federal hunting rules as well as the hunting rules posted on YLT’s website.
- Can I bring my dog to the preserves? You are welcome to walk with your dog, but they must remain on-leash the entire time. Pick up and carry out any pet waste. These rules are enforced to avoid unwanted encounters on the trail, to protect ground-nesting animals near the trail, and to protect our water supply and ecosystems from harmful bacteria.
- Are preserves open in the winter? Yes, our preserves are open daily year-round from dawn to dusk.
- Can I cross-country ski and snowshoe on the preserves? Yes, this is permitted on our public access preserves. The Mt. A Ski Club grooms the cross-country ski trails at Highland Farm Preserve. Near Point Preserve also has a network of good ski trails, although they are ungroomed.
- Where can I find preserve information and trail resources? You can visit this page to learn about our public access preserves, find preserve guides, download and print trail maps, and more!